Monday, February 25, 2008

Venice of America

Fort Lauderdale calls itself "The Venice of America", ignoring the fact that the thousands of miles of canals would never be built today. The motto is even more misleading when the recent history of the city has been to love mega yachts and disdain cruising boats, sail or power, and wish all live-a-boards would just go away.

A really nice restaurant is located at Lauderdale Marina positioned just north of the 17th St Causeway. We got to the Marina by dinghy; through canals and the ICW. From the outdoor dining balcony:
The 17 Street Causeway bridge. Under the bridge is the Port Everglades turning basin and the channel to sea.
The second picture is the Pier 66 Hotel (now renamed the Hyatt), one of the better known landmarks. Note the mega yachts all around.
The third picture is a shot of the DIXIE IV in her slip as we approach by dinghy.
And last, never miss an opportunity for a photo of FL wildlife. Here is a very large iguana sunning behind a house. These iguana are not harmless, though they are not aggressive in behavior. Their droppings contain a very high level of bacteria that can, and does, make dogs, cats, and curious children very ill.

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